developmental Edit
A strategic review of a work, digging into the structure, characters, arcs, and readability. More focus is on the story and plot than the craft of writing.
What I Do:
A full read-through and high-level analysis of:
Plot, Scenes, and Story Beat
Characters and Arcs
Settings and Descriptions
Narrative Voice and POV
Writing Craft Evaluation
What You Get:
Summary report with overall impressions of the work
Detailed report with analysis for each of the listed areas
Pricing - $0.01 (one cent) per word, minimum $50
80,000 word novel = $800
10,000 word novelette = $100
4,000 word short story = $50
substantive edit
A deep dive into the submitted work to identify story problems, plot holes, character inconsistencies, setting discrepancies, choreography issues, point of view (POV) problems, and general writing issues including narrative balance, pacing, sentence variation, filler and filter words, passive voice, repetition, grammar, and punctuation.
What I Do:
A full read-through and in-depth analysis with examples of:
Plot progression by scene/chapter
Character consistency, relevance, and emotional journey
Pacing, Flow, and Story Logic
Stakes and Building Tension
Settings, Descriptions, and Choreography
Consistency of Voice and POV
Balance of Setting, Action, Dialogue, and Emotion
Readability and Writing Clarity
What You Get:
Summary report of findings and an overall evaluation of the work
Detailed report with analysis and examples for each of the listed areas
Marked-up version of the work, including line-edits and comments
Pricing - $0.02 (two cents) per word, minimum $100
80,000 word novel = $1600
10,000 word novelette = $200
4,000 word short story = $100
beta reading
A start-to-finish read of the submission from the perspective of a general reader, providing first-impression analysis of the work as a whole.
What I Do:
A full read-through of the work with a focus on:
Plot Holes and Unanswered Questions
Logical Flow and Building Tension
Believability of Characters and Events
Balance of Story and Backstory
What You Get:
A summary report of:
- Initial Impressions, touching on the areas listed
Areas of Excellence and Improvement
Pricing - $0.005 (one-half cent) per word, minimum $35
80,000 word novel = $400
10,000 word novelette = $50
4,000 word short story = $35